Donate now to advance environmental justice in Georgia communities! image

Donate now to advance environmental justice in Georgia communities!

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ECO-Action is committed to providing organizing and technical assistance to Georgia low income communities and communities of color to fight the ravages of environmental injustice, environmental degradation, climate change and energy burden.

As Georgia begins to return to "business as usual," we at ECO-Action hope that you and your family continue to be safe and well. We greatly appreciate your ongoing support and commitment to address environmental issues in Georgia. Our ongoing programming includes:

  • The Georgia Grassroots Environmental Network (GGEN) which has continued to meet throughout the pandemic to develop strategies that address the toxic pollution concerns of rural communities.
  • The Atlanta Watershed Learning Network (AWLN), a proven, leadership development program that has educated and activated dozens of residents in the Flint River, Intrenchment and Proctor Creek watersheds communities, who are now serving as watershed stewards and teachers themselves.
  • The Intrenchment Creek Community Stewardship Council, (ICCSC) a community-based organization that ECO-Action helped to establish in August 2020, which has been active in supporting the passage of the City of Atlanta Stormwater Ordinance and with the Intrenchment Creek Park "Stop the Swap" campaign.

We remain dedicated to helping Georgia communities organize for better environmental health protections, particularly for vulnerable communities. Will you help us continue our work? Your donation will support our work to expand training of environmental justice activists in urban and rural areas of the state and advocate to address the root causes of environmental injustice and climate change.